A Day in the Life: April 2016

When I first realised today was a scheduled Day in the Life day, I was like, “Oh, crap. What am I gonna do today that isn’t boring?”

Then, I began doing other things. I started typing up a book review and thought, “Wow, this is fun…why didn’t I start doing this before?!”

Eventually, I slept, then awoke. I worked on another book review, started typing up a post explaining my ratings system, fixed some tags, and then began working on this post [after remembering it, of course].

I’ve listed out every other Saturday in my notebook, starting with the 16th of this month, for when to publish book reviews…because I kind of like that schedule for them. Of course, everything is always subject to change with me, but I like having a list of dates for when I can schedule something, so I can have a bit of a calendar going on. I’ve found I don’t like it when I’m just posting “whenever”, because I tend to want to publish all the things.

Next, I’m going to be working on fixing my archive page and converting recipes from a plugin to manual coding.

I’ve had a fever since returning home from Austin, which could be caused my a number of things—environment, the fact that I accidentally ingested something with coconut oil…so I’m feeling extremely funky and unfortunate today, and I really wish I had a shirt that said, “What? Is my autism showing? It tends to do that when I have a body temperature above 97°F. Get over it.”[1. My body temperature usually remains between 96°F and 97°F. When it hits 97 and goes up, it means I’m getting sick; when it remains at 97 and/or goes back to 96ish, I’m fine.][2. My autism is probably always showing. I can’t exactly turn it off.

There are these temporary pills some autistics’ doctor give them. We call them “Neurotypical Pills” in the autistic community. Side effects include, but do not limit to: finally proposing to significant other. There are other things, but that’s the funniest one I remember.

The NT Pills make autistics act neurotypical for a few hours…they’re part of some study about trying to manipulate the brain into thinking it’s “normal” (whatever the hell that means). The autistics I’ve talked to don’t really like them, because the pills make them do things out of their character. Together, we decided neurotypicals need an autistic pill…I’m pretty sure it’s called NZT. Allistic people just aren’t equipped to handle them without a special enzyme.]

(No one has said anything; I just like sarcastic tees, but I want sarcastic autistic tees to show off my autistic pride. Charlise had volunteered herself to make me some. I just have to pay for the materials.)

And then, to chill, I’m gonna binge-watch TV shows, because I have a fever and need to take things slow. (Grandmama’s old-fashioned. When you’re sick, you’re supposed to stay in bed until you get better. So I need to not get a high fever so I can avoid this.) I hear this series “Elementary” has an openly autistic character being shipped with an allistic character. Obviously, I have to check this out. (This show just got bumped from my summer to-watch list to my watch-ASAP list.)

How was your day?

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Comments on this post

Woot for book reviews 🙂 I’m not always good about reviewing things, so that’s why I don’t really review much, but I think it’s good you’re going to start it up. ^^

Good luck with the archives and the conversion from a plug-in to manual. Hope that goes well without any hitch.

It’ll be exciting to see regular book reviews in the future. I love talking about books, but I don’t think I’m that good at it. That’s why I do a booklog every two months where I write a short review about all the books I’ve read over that period.

I’ve heard Elementary is supposed to be really good. I wish I had more time to binge-watch TV shows. I really miss watching something for 14 hours straight like I used to. Tired eyes are so worth it.

That shirt’s so cool! Sarcasm wins all the time.

Thanks! I realised I do it in my head already anyway…I took Creative Writing, Journalism, Newspaper Productions and some advanced English classes—all of which would always be like, “Critique others’ writing and find what they could have done better. How’s their diction? Is their punctuation correct?” I used to want to be an English teacher myself, but I soon realised I’d have a high failure rate because I’d do what my teachers did to their classes…and they only got away with it because they had great referrals/something that made them indispensable. And I like talking about books…I’m kinda hoping to start a sort of a virtual book club (eventually).

Haha. I wound up going to bed. Fevers make me sleepy. :/