Indie Film Review: It’s Not You, It’s Me

Courtesy of 20sb, I received the opportunity to review and administer a giveaway for the Indie film It’s Not You, It’s Me by Nathan Ives. I was actually really ecstatic when I received the email because I love Indie films and watching and reviewing movies. I’ve also missed hosting a giveaway on 6birds, so this gives me a chance to host one again!

Review (Spoiler-free)

Like Side Effects, this movie’s trailer left a lot of mystery. Upon first watching the trailer, I had an idea of what it was going to be about, but upon watching the movie, I realized I wasn’t given a huge piece to the puzzle[1. This is kind of a pun.] — a piece that made a big difference in the way I saw the movie.

The casting was brilliant; I admire the diversity between the actors in their talent and what they could bring to their characters. One of the reasons I really like indie films is that they don’t always use a lot of the actors commonly seen in the genre of the film, which gives me a chance to see some fresh faces and feel like it’s more real.

Although it was a romantic comedy and I laughed until my eyes watered, It’s Not You, It’s Me had more seriousness to it as a whole. Rather than watching a Hollywood film filled with cliches and predictable moments, I watched something that felt genuine and subtle. The characters were well-developed and constantly developing, and they each had their own vices and virtues. The ambiguity was something I was able to greatly relate to, and getting inside their heads throughout the film was a unique touch. While I feel like the movie was cut slightly short[2. I would have liked for things to have been dragged out slightly more, even if for only ten additional minutes.], I still think it was brilliant; I enjoyed it for the same reason I enjoyed The Lake Effect.

Similar movies

If you liked Friends With Benefits, Every Day or The Break-Up, then you’ll like this movie. The theme is similar to that of  The Lifeguard.

Where to buy

You can buy it on Amazon, iTunes or IndieReign.


Commenting is not part of the entry process, thus comments not having to do with post itself or focusing on the giveaway will be removed. Open to US and Canada residents.

Rafflecopter isn’t letting me moderate entries so I can give everyone a fair chance at winning. I’m watching it and trying to moderate them daily.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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[…] I’m hosting an indie film DVD giveaway that’s open to the US and Canada, don’tcha … […]